Friday, 28 May 2010

No time to do much craft this week!

It's over a week since my last post, but that's no surprise considering how busy I have been! Now that my mother is living with us, I am having to clear out her old home in order to sell it - and this has been a huge task! Over the past ten days, I've been selling furniture, packing things into boxes for a charity shop, cleaning, tidying and painting the walls - all hard work, but it's got to be done. It should all be finished by the end of next week, but I'm afraid there won't be much time for my crafts until then.

All I've managed to do this week is these three cards which I made for a customer at our regular Friday market. She wanted blank cards without a message inside to use for any occasion, which is actually quite a good idea - I'll make some more as soon as I get time, as I think they will sell well. Meanwhile, I'm due to visit some beautiful gardens on Sunday where there should be plenty of good photo opportunities - I'll definitely be on the look out for new backgrounds for my quillings.


  1. Hello Philippa, our days are getting shorter.
    How are you and your family? I hope all well.
    I would ask if you have a model of a dove to place the call for confirmation of my daughter. The ones I have, looks like a duck or fish ...

  2. Hi Martina! We are all well, but very busy! I will look to see if I have a dove pattern for you ...

  3. je te comprends mais profite de ces moments avec ta maman prés de toi, moi depuis Noel , j'ai perdu la mienne et je ne m'en remets pas ( dépression ) avec un traitement médical lourd qui m' empêche de créer
    j'aime toujours ce que tu nous montres merci
