Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Quilled wisteria from an English country garden

It must be nearly Summer ... the wisteria is out, and none more beautiful than the one growing on the wall of my friends' delightful cottage garden. I've created two new cards from the photographs I took last weekend: one a close-up of the cascading purple flowers, and another showing the gorgeous backdrop of a lovely old red brick wall.

Quilling the wisteria flowers was more of a challenge: it took several attempts to get the flower shape right, and even now I'm not sure that I've really done it justice. But there's no doubt that trying to quill something like a flower forces you to look at nature's original in very fine detail - and helps you to appreciate it even more as a result!


  1. I love your photos and quilling combined. I have a pink wisteria, which is now loosing its leaves as we are in Autumn.

  2. Thanks, Bronwyn! I've never seen a pink wisteria ... sounds lovely.

  3. You know I admire your work and this composition is wonderful ...
    These flowers are very beautiful. Not part of the flora of my country.

  4. Both are very nice. Love that garden wall.

  5. Thanks Ann, and welcome to Quilliance! Please drop by again, as I hope to post some new designs very soon ...
