Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Quilled backdrop for a seashell

Here's my latest card design, featuring a seascape photo which I took a couple of years ago in the beautiful Isles of Scilly. (These wonderful islands are situated just off the coast of Cornwall in the far south-west of England.)

I had in mind that the card might be one for a man who loves the sea, so instead of adding lots of 'feminine' filigree quilling, I decided to use a single quilled motif as the backdrop for a tiny seashell. I made the motif using the 'combing' technique by winding the strip through the prongs of an onion holder, gluing at the base after each successive 'wind'.

The shell, by the way, is a real one which was actually collected in the islands. I always look out for tiny shells whenever I go beach-combing, and this is one of my favourites. I believe it is called a 'painted top', and it's a fabulous example of Nature's wonderful designs.

I guess you could say that this type of quilling is an example of 'beach-combing', too!


  1. The picture is beautiful and I love what you did with the card. I would love to be able to travel and see those sites.

  2. Nice combing technique, Looks so neat and nice beach combing as well. Your card looks good!

  3. Thanks! I was pleased with the combing, and hope to do some more of this - it's easy to do, but looks very effective I think.
