Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Experimental Christmas quilling

Regular followers of Quilliance will know that I just love to amuse myself by pushing the boundaries of conventional quilling techniques!!!

Today, I decided to create a quilled holly leaf for a Christmas card - but instead of making it with the usual pinched green coil, I started with an open shape as an outline that could then be filled in with other shapes.

As you can see, I'm on a bit of a crimping kick at the moment - I think that shapes made out of crimped strips definitely have an extra bit of character when you want to do something different.

So ... not a conventional Christmas card by any means, but hopefully an eye-catching one!


  1. I love it! Next to poinsettias, I think holly gives you that winter season and holidays feel. Crimping makes it fun. And I really love it that you are thinking out of the box. That makes it all the more artistic and special!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Philippa's true you always innovates and the results of their creations are as beautiful works like this card

  3. You've done it again, you came up with another creative idea. I love the look of the crimped strips, it does give it a little something extra

  4. It sure s is an eye catching one Philippa, Crimped effect is really good.

  5. Thanks everyone! I'm glad you all liked this one - it's a bit unconventional as a Christmas card design, but I think it's nice to do something really different every now and then. I shall keep on crimping!!

  6. Great card... awesome quilling!

    xxx Monica

  7. Thanks Anastasia and Monica ... and thanks for visiting my blog!

  8. Hi Phillipa,

    Congrats for winning the quill pill challenge. You make wonderful cards...

    xxx Monica

  9. Thank you, Monica - your cards are lovely too!
