Sunday, 21 November 2010

Talking turkey with some quilled Christmas greenery

I've just started subscribing to a new e-zine called Papers and Pixels which is packed with great articles for scrap-bookers and crafters - well worth a read!  On their blog, the Papers and Pixels team posted a brilliant Thanksgiving Turkey graphic for downloading last week - and I just HAD to grab it and create a card!

Even though we don't celebrate Thanksgiving on this side of the Atlantic, the turkey image is still just right for an English Christmas card. All it needed was a flourish of quilled Christmas greenery and berries ... and this is the result:


  1. I love both, very nice.

  2. I also recently subscribed to that. I love the saying on the card, that's so cute. Of course your quilling is fabulous

  3. beautiful. The second photograph does a lot more to your quilled work. I liked the words on your card too.

  4. I had fun making this one. I'm so glad you all like it!

  5. Hello Philippa!
    I really like your works. Pleasant surprise!

    It is a pleasure to me follow you.


  6. Thank you, Isha, and welcome to Quilliance!
