Friday, 17 December 2010

Plenty of news ... but no quilling!

Well, I've just got home from the final village market of 2010 where I sold the last of my Christmas cards. It seems strange to be packing my remaining Christmas stock away before the festivities have even begun, but I'm already looking forward to working on some new craft projects for next year. After all, it's not that many weeks to go until Valentine's Day!

This week has been a very busy one for me, with social events, committee meetings and Christmas shopping taking priority over everything else.  So I haven't managed to do any quilling at all since Monday! Unfortunately that means I haven't got any new designs to share with all my loyal blog followers - but I do have a few items of news:

Firstly, my quilling has been featured in the December 2010 edition of Papers and Pixels - an excellent crafting e-zine which was launched online a few months ago. The editorial team has started to include features on quilling alongside informative articles on card-making, photography and digital scrapping - and the editor approached me to ask if she could spotlight me and Quilliance in her 'Blog It!' feature this month. Well, of course I said "yes"! I took part in an interview, and the resulting article was published on Wednesday. You can download the whole December magazine by clicking here. (It's free!) You'll find me on page 73.

Secondly, I have become a member of the UK Quilling Guild, and am looking forward to getting involved in their activities and challenges in the New Year.

And finally, I've managed to obtain a couple of photographs of the special card that my Aunt received from the Queen on her 100th birthday. There was quite a lot of interest in this following my earlier post, and so here are the pictures:


  1. Congratulations on your feature in Papers and Pixels. I'll have to be sure to check it out.
