Friday, 21 January 2011


On this day, a year ago, I started my blog. Today, twelve amazing months later, Quilliance has found its place within the rich diversity of the crafting 'blogosphere', with many thousands of 'hits' recorded and 51 fabulous followers! What's more, it's added a wonderful new dimension to my life, allowing me to 'meet' and befriend fellow quillers and kindred spirits right across the world. Thank you all for visiting, reading, commenting and sharing - you have enriched me more than words can say.

Now, as I embark on Year Two, I'm every bit as excited about my craft as I was when Quilliance first started. Then, I was just beginning to explore the possibilities of combining quilling with photography to create unusual cards; now I'm being blown away by the capabilities of my newly-acquired Photoshop Elements software which has put my imagination into over-drive with a host of new ideas. As soon as I start working on them, you'll read about it here!

In my very first post, on 21st January 2010, I quoted from a prayer which I have tried very hard to make reality throughout  the past year of my life:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."

Today, I'd like to share a further thought, which is that true happiness springs from nothing more than simply noticing and appreciating the things we have.

Working on my crafts and writing Quilliance have genuinely helped me to understand the deep wisdom of these words. And now it is my pleasure to pass them on to you.


  1. Happy Blogoversary!! I too am trying to be more appreciative of the little blessings that I take for granted everyday. I pray that this second year finds you with lots of new creativity and joy!

  2. HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!! :) May you have many more years of happy blogging!

  3. Congratulations on your first year! It's been a pleasure getting to know you through your quilling, and I look forward to your future ideas and posts.

  4. I wish you another successful year blogging.

  5. Happy Blogoversary. Wishing you many more happy years of blogging.
    The serenity prayer is one of favorites and one that I turn to frequently.

  6. I love those words and thoughts, Philippa! I wish you even more happiness during year two with your beautiful quilling and interesting blog!

    hugs from Texas, xo

  7. Philippa,
    Happy Blogaversary! Such a great milestone, keep up the great work.

  8. Thank you all, my dear friends!

  9. A very happy blogoversary Philippa. I am surprised your blog is just an year old . You have achieved so much in an year. I have truly been inspired by your hard work and creativity.
