Thursday, 27 January 2011

Join me on The Sweet Spot quilling blog hop Saturday 29th January!

Join me for a world tour of quilling blogs on Saturday 29th January, when Quilliance and several of my quilling friends will be taking part in an international 'blog hop' organised by Sandy over at The Sweet Spot.

The 'hop' begins at 08.00 EST (that's 13.00 UK time), and will take you on a voyage of discovery across five continents, picking up loads of quilling inspiration along the way.

The starting point on Saturday is here - then just follow the links to your next destination. We hope to 'see' you then!


  1. That will be so much fun. I hope I can find time to hop!!!

  2. That sounds like fun. I'll have to check it out.

  3. Hi there,

    Philippa, I have left you some love on my blog...

    xxx Monica
