Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Some quilling to herald the coming of Spring!

My card box urgently needs some new designs, as the flowery ones are nearly all gone. So, as Spring is surely just around the corner, I decided to search for some early signs amongst the pictures in my photo collection. Snowdrops are an absolute must - they are starting to come up in the garden already. And purple polyanthus - I snapped these flowers last year, and their time has finally arrived!

I returned to my 'four squares' design format which has proved popular in the past: two photos, two coloured blanks and some quilling to link them all together. Starting with a simple S coil in my favourite fresh lime green, I simply added some detail from both the featured flowers. (It's hard to see in this photo, but the quilled polyanthus petal at the top left is a purple coil edged with white). As always, Nature has all the best colours and patterns, which I love to try and echo in my quilling.  I hope this design will convey some of the joys of Spring to the person who one day receives this card.


  1. Really lovely - a breath of spring - can't wait! Just the right amount of quilling and the four square design makes the perfect background.

  2. wow, you have flowers coming up already? I'm jealous since my garden is full of just plain old snow. Pretty card and nice to see signs of spring

  3. Nice quilling and even more beautiful photographs.

  4. Well, the spring theme is slightly wishful thinking at present, but we really do have snowdrops showing their heads in the garden and there are bulbs pushing up too. We'll probably soon have another load of snow to set them back, but it's good to be optimistic!
