Friday, 1 April 2011

Some new earrings for my Russian friends!

As you may have noticed, I've got one of those 'Life Traffic Feed' gadgets on the side of my blog, and I'm always quite fascinated to see where all the wonderful visitors to Quilliance actually come from. A few months ago, I was flattered to see that a post I had written about some quilled earrings had been picked up by a Russian fashion blog called Lafemmod, in a feature about quilled jewellery. There were quite a few hits on Quilliance from that source at the time, but then everything went quiet again ... until today!

When I checked the traffic feed this morning, I found there had been loads more hits on the same post, and it looks as though the link has been published once again in a digest version of the blog. It's certainly generated lots of interest from people in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and all around that region ... how exciting!

So today seems like a good day to publish another post about quilled earrings.  Here's my latest design in two different colour versions, which I created using a combination of plain, crimped and metallic-edged strips, wound around pins on a quilling board using the technique of 'alternate side looping'.

I'm planning to offer these earrings for sale very soon over on my 'selling blog', Quilliance Marketplace where I've already got some other earrings posted.  If you've arrived here from Lafemmod and would like more information, just e-mail me at or leave me a comment below!


  1. Lovely so beautiful!!!
    Groetjes Baukje from Holland

  2. wow...this is so beautiful, Philippa...

  3. That is exciting and wonderful that it's bringing you the extra traffic. those earrings are really pretty

  4. Thanks ... hope to make lots more of these!
