Thursday, 4 October 2012

12 out of 12

My friend's grand-daughter will be twelve years old on 12-12-2012 ... so the theme for the card she wanted me to make for her was obvious!

The card I've made features a digital background (created in Photoshop) with two 12's set against some crazy colours, and a quilled 12 in the foreground fashioned in 'papergraphics' style!

I'm quite pleased with the way the quilled numerals have turned out. I used a board and pins to follow the lines of the printed figures when creating the outline shapes, and glued the yellow closed loose coils in position first to keep the parallel sides in place. This kind of quilling definitely suits my 'make it up as you go along' mindset ... fun to do, and easier than it first appears!

Background 'swirls' image courtesy of Photoshop Roadmap


  1. Nice card Philippa...Sure tht cutie pie 'll love it..good colour combo..!!

  2. Lovely Idea Philippa .
    the numerals are great especially the way 121212 is done looks awesome .

  3. looks great, love the different ways you did the twelves, and so colorful, love it!!!

  4. Wow...12/12/2012 and its 12th special...And your work perfectly fits the backround, Philippa!! Love it!
