Sunday, 19 May 2013

Thank you

I’d like to say a really big “thank you” to everyone who so kindly congratulated me on my Quilling Guild Accreditation, both here and also on Facebook. For a while last week I was completely swamped by comments and messages, but I am finally catching up with myself again at last!

The quilled spiral that I featured in my last post was, of course, only part of the work submitted to the Guild for assessment ... I also had to complete a sampler of quilling shapes, as pictured above. Doing this really helped me to sharpen up my quilling technique as you have to focus on getting every single piece absolutely perfect - and I’m convinced that I’m now a better quiller as a result. So, my message to Quilling Guild members is: do consider applying for Accreditation - it really is a worthwhile process. When you succeed, you genuinely feel as though you are contributing to the continuing evolution of our historic Art.

You can read all about the Accreditation process on the Quilling Guild’s website here.

As a final postscript to this story, I was delighted to discover that my Accreditation piece (the spiral) had actually been featured last week on the BuzzFeed online newsletter alongside many other wonderful examples of modern quilling (including the work of Yulia Brodskaya!!). Have a look at the BuzzFeed link here to see their feature called ‘Quilling: the best craft you’ve never heard of’ ... and prepare to be amazed!


  1. Congrats Philippa...Very Happy for u...I can feel how much happiness is filled in you...Sampler techniques is so nice...

  2. nous avons toutes commencé avec un tableau de ce genre

  3. congrats again, your doing awesome work, love the sampler !!!

  4. it sure looks like sitting for an exam! not sure if it is as stressful though. haha!

  5. That's awesome, Philippa! I know what you mean about a sampler like that making one a better quiller. It's wonderful that your beautiful spiral is recognised in publications along quillers you admire. It is a spesh feeling ;)
    Please publish photos of certificate that you will receive in August. Well done!

  6. belated congratulations! well done on your accreditation!
