Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Combining quilling with photography

There's been quite a lot of interest in my technique of combining quilling with photographic backgrounds to make cards, and I've just had an article published on the subject! It's in the February edition of my favourite on-line crafting magazine, Papers and Pixels. If you'd like to read it, click here to download the pdf version, and you'll find the article on page 15.


  1. That's very nice I will check it out.

  2. Congratulations on being published... I will stop by later when I have more time to read it... I love adding quilling to my photos as well... I've also taken a photo and taken a smaller image and placed it on a business card sized magnet and attached the magnet to the front of the card with quilling on it so that the person could place the magnet on the fridge.. You've inspired me to write a post about it.. I have you on my blogroll and I so love stopping in... hugs, antonella :-)

  3. Can't wait to see your photo/quilling projects, Antonella! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. nice artical, love the way you captured the rainbow, nice work!

  5. I just saw that the new edition was out but haven't had time to look at it yet. Look forward to reading your article

  6. Thanks, everyone. Hope you all get a chance to download and read Papers & Pixels - there's some great stuff in there, especially if you're into digital art.
