Wednesday, 16 February 2011

It's snowdrop time!

The snowdrops are out big-time here in the UK, and it's wonderful to see! They especially seem to thrive in shady wooded areas like the place near my home where I took the photo for this card. I spotted these beauties through a hedge, perfectly framed by the branches of holly bushes which border their woodland home.

I selected an oval cut-out for this photograph and feathered the edges to produce the shadow effect that you see on this card. Then I added some simple pale green and white quilling in honour of the snowdrops, before sending it to a friend who celebrates her 70th birthday this weekend.

Pushing up through ivy and a carpet of last year's leaves, these snowdrops are full of the promise of Spring!


  1. very nice. like the oval shape and the edgeof it, very pretty picture!

  2. So pretty... love the feathered effect on the edges. And your quilling fits in perfectly...Spring is certainly not far behind.

    xxx Monica

  3. Philippa,
    Você captou bem a beleza do cenário e criou um belo trabalho!

  4. that's a lovely picture and the quilled snow drops are perfect. I love the way you feathered the edges of the photo. Very nice.

  5. Thanks, everyone - I'm glad you enjoyed my 'taste of Spring'!
