Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Production line!!!

There's not been much time for experimentation this past week, because I've suddenly found myself under real pressure to replenish my stock of cards!  I sold 18 cards in the space of two days last week, and my stocks were already running low - so my number one priority right now is to make as many as possible in time for this week's market.

As regular followers will know, I like to print backgrounds for my quilling using photographs or digital graphics, and the first task has been to create a batch of cards ready to quill. I've also turned out a few embossed backgrounds using my Cuttlebug, too. Right now, I'm half-way through adding quilling to this batch.

Here are the ones I've finished so far:

And these are the ones I've still got to do:

The pressure is on!!

The design shown at the top of this post is one that I'm particularly pleased with. It features a 'Photoshopped' photograph of some flowers, filtered to create a 'painting on canvas' effect with drop shadow. I added some 19th Century style quilling, using a trio of open rings pressed into teardrop shapes, with some tiny open filigree inside.

And here's one of the embossed cards, to which I have attached some butterflies and a flower left over from one of my demos. Well, you know what they say:"Waste not, want not"!!

That's all for now ... got to get back to work!


  1. Congratulations on all your sales, Philippa! And I love the look of the card with a few quilled elements added to a white embossed background! So pretty.
    -Molly xo

  2. good luck

    a bit of possitive stress is good for the mind.

  3. Very happy for your sales! And love all the new cards. The little quilled flowers on the embossed background are lovely. Good luck on finishing everything in time!

  4. I love the card with the bees!Good luck !aureliaeugenia

  5. congrats on your sales, do love the one with the butterflies and embossed background!, good luck at the market!!

  6. what a beautiful creation!
    Greetings Baukje

  7. Philippa,
    Very beautiful!
    I loved them all.
    Congratulations on all your sales!

  8. Good Luck with the cards Philippa! Am sure you'll do just fine and, in fact, shine :)

  9. What a happy task this is ! happy quilling.

  10. Thanks everyone for your very kind comments. I try to reply direct to everyone whose e-mail address is listed on Blogger ... for those who aren't, please know that I appreciate your comments very much.

    And you'll be pleased to know: I finished all the cards!!
