Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Some egg-centric quilling for Easter

Walking around London on Sunday, we kept coming across giant, brightly painted Easter eggs set on plinths at various points along the streets of Covent Garden and the South Bank. Apparently, they are part of an Easter Egg Hunt, and they certainly brightened up a cold, grey day in the city!

This got me thinking about Easter, of course, and the need to create some new Easter cards for the market. As I've been playing around quite a lot with multi-coloured eccentric coils just lately, I decided to make a few more and shape them into crazily-coloured eggs to adorn my favourite photo of a chicken.

I've coiled up a single strand inside some of the eggs, and inserted short lengths of twisted strips into others - just to add to the craziness.

I don't know what my chicken would think of these multi-coloured eggs, but hopefully the customers at our market will like them!


  1. Very nice. Chick has not escaped, that means he likes eggs! :)))
    I'm sure this will appeal to customers too.

  2. haha! these eggs are so cute. reminds me of those egg-look chocolate sweets wrapped up in colourful papers.

  3. very nice and it is time to start thinking about Easter

  4. You have original ideas! Cute coloured eggs!I wish you luck with your future projects!

  5. Wow! Very cute eggs! I'm sure this card will be loved on the market!

  6. The eggs are definitely cute..

  7. Thanks everyone for your very kind comments. I try to reply direct to everyone whose e-mail address is listed on Blogger ... for those who aren't, please know that I appreciate your comments very much.
