Saturday, 5 July 2014

Quilliance ... a new chapter

It’s FINISHED!!!! The huge quilling project that I’ve been working on for the past 7 months is finally complete! I will not be able to post anything publicly about it for quite a while yet, but at least now I’ll be able to start working on some new ideas and get back to regular blogging once again. Having used up the photo storage allowance here on this blog, I’m very excited to be starting afresh with a brand new one (see below), and can’t wait to resume sharing ideas with all my online friends. It may be a cliche, but today really does feel like the first day of the rest of my life!!

Please visit my new blog Quilliance ... a new chapter via this link:

I look forward to seeing you there!


  1. Philippa congrats on completing your project. I have been blogging since 2010 and have a huge amount of photos on my site but have still used only 0.03 Gb of the free 15 Gb storage space on google drives.I have always resized my photos and it helped save space. Here are more details :

    1. Thank you so much, Sonia - this is very good advice, and your blog post is extremely helpful! I will make sure to try and reduce the size of all my photos on the new blog in order to prevent this problem happening again. I hope that you will visit me there - I hope to publish the first 'real' post tomorrow!! Philippa

  2. I look forward to seeing your project whenever that may be. And all the best to you on your new journey - I will be following that blog as well. I know how it is, I myself am in the middle of a massive project, getting ready for the Royal Melbourne show, and it's driving me crazy. Will publish in September, once the judges are finished. So well done on your massive project!
    And another interesting bit of trivia: Christine Donehue wrote to me. She will be in Melbourne at the end of August and would like to meet me to do some quilling together! This will be the first time I meet another quiller and see their work.



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